The PinWheel Galaxy( M101 : HaLRGB)
I had the good fortune of borrowing an APM 175/1400 LW F/8 TRIPLET from a fellow astronomy club member for the long weekend and had my fun with it. It is truly a spectacular scope.
Equipment Details :
OTA : APM 175mm Triplet
Mount : Losmandy G11
Imaging Camera : Qsi683wsg
Guiding Camera : Lodestar X2 OAG
Filters : Astrodon LRGB + 3nm Ha
Exposure Settings :
L : 40* 1200s
R : 20 * 600s ( Binned 2*2)
G : 20 * 600s ( Binned 2*2)
B : 20 * 600s ( Binned 2*2)
Ha : 10 * 1200s
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