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The Wisps of Pleiades Cluster(M45) : LRGB

 This target was imaged last year in Mundur Kerala. Had a clear night after weeks of seasonal rains so grabbed on the first opportunity to image atleast something. Pleiades holds a special place in my heart as its the first target that I imaged back in 2015 using a DSLR. 

Equipment used :

OTA : Stellarvue 80mm APO

Imaging Camera: Zwo 1600mm-C

Mount : Losmandy G11

Guiding Camera: Qhy 5ll

Filters : Astrodon LRGB Gen II

Capture Details :

L : 30 * 60 ( Gain 76)

R : 60 * 120 ( Gain 76)

G : 60 * 120 ( Gain 76)

B : 60 * 120 ( Gain 76)

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