The Cone Neblua and the Fox /Christmas tree Cluster : HORGB
This was one of the toughest objects I had to process due to my obsession towards the Histrogram Equalization- I always try to make the images appear a bit 3D but in this case I might have gone too far.
Equipment used :
OTA : ES 127mm APO FCD100 CF
Imaging Camera: Zwo 1600mm-C
Mount : ES Losmandy G11
Guiding Camera: Qhy 5ll
Filters : Astrodon LRGB Gen II , Ha(3nm) & O3 ( 3nm)
Capture Details :
Ha : 180 * 180 ( Gain 139)
O3 : 120 * 180 ( Gain 139)
R : 60 * 120 ( Gain 76)
G : 60 * 120 ( Gain 76)
B : 60 * 120 ( Gain 76)
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